Document index types in deployments docs
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Tibor Lipusz February 15, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Tibor Lipusz June 16, 2020 at 8:08 AM
Reorganized and updated a slightly.
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Created May 26, 2020 at 5:43 PM
Updated February 15, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Resolved February 15, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Since 7.2, new indexes have be added by Liferay, workflow-metrics, liferay-search-tuning-rankings, and liferay-search-tuning-rankings and possibly others. These are called "app-driven" indexes.
App-driven indexes are not dropped and re-created upon a full reindex. In addition, app-driven indexex may not share the same index settings as the Virtual Instance (company) indexes.
Currently, there is no way to change the default index settings through the UI (System Settings). There is an open Feature Request for this on LPS-113030
Their settings aren't controlled in the same ways either - see LPS-114395.
The different indexes are described here:
Company (aka. Virtual Instance) indexes (liferay-<companyId>
System index (liferay-0)
App-driven indexes
OOTB (Workflow Metrics, Search Tuning - Result Rankings, Search Tuning - Synonyms)
Custom app-driven indexes
Insure our documentation recognizes that only Company and System indexes are controlled by the settings described by LPS-114395.
Define the different types of indexes in the documentation
Document "workaround" for new deployments how to customize the index settings through the Override LPKG files mechanism, described here
On a separate article, we can provide information for developers how to create custom app-driven indexes