Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose issues

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Original estimate Σ Original Estimate Fix versions
Technical Testing LPS-101188

LPS-99686 Manual Testing

Kyle Miho Kyle Miho Low Closed Completed    
Technical Testing LPS-100986

LPS-99686 Product QA | Test Scenarios/Cases Creation

Manoel Cyreno (Inactive) Manoel Cyreno (Inactive) Low Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPS-100478

LPS-99686 Docs: Mapping the content of link editables to a field of an existing content

Cody Hoag (Inactive) Cody Hoag (Inactive) Low Closed Completed    
