Bulk Operation

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  2. Choose Operation
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  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose issues

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Original estimate Σ Original Estimate Fix versions
Technical Task LPSA-77320

LPSA-65425 Change message of toggle controls icon

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 7
Technical Task LPSA-77319

LPSA-65425 Only display toggle edit controls icon in mobile

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 7
Technical Task LPSA-77318

LPSA-65425 Remove button to edit the current page from the Control Menu

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 6
Technical Task LPSA-77317

LPSA-65425 Move Add Button to the right side of the control menu

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 5
Technical Task LPSA-77316

LPSA-65425 show loading icons in the panels

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 7
Technical Task LPSA-77315

LPSA-65425 Extract product menu logic from the themes

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 5
Technical Task LPSA-77314

LPSA-65425 User Panel should display "My Site" as the title

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 5
Technical Task LPSA-77313

LPSA-65425 Move theme contributors to its module

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 4
Technical Task LPSA-77312

LPSA-65425 Improve look and feel of scope selector

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 4
Technical Task LPSA-77311

LPSA-65425 Product Menu panel should close when other panels are opened

Nate Cavanaugh (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 5
Technical Task LPSA-77310

LPSA-65425 Fix UI alignment

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 1
Technical Task LPSA-77309

LPSA-65425 Show notifications count in the user avatar (top right corner)

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 2
Technical Task LPSA-77308

LPSA-65425 Fix UI issues

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 1
Technical Task LPSA-77307

LPSA-65425 Move Impersonation information to the product menu

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 1
Technical Task LPSA-77306

LPSA-65425 The Site Administration menu should always show the current Site (or the latent one)

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 1
Technical Task LPSA-77305

LPSA-65425 Display a link to return to the Site in the Site Administration section of the product menu

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 5
Technical Task LPSA-77304

LPSA-65425 Support for opening the User Menu from the User Avatar in the top right corner

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 2
Technical Task LPSA-77303

LPSA-65425 Notification are only shown when panel categories are closed

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 5
Technical Task LPSA-77302

LPSA-65425 Allow navigation in company details in the product menu

SE Support Jürgen Kappler Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 5
Technical Task LPSA-77301

LPSA-65425 Apply accordion design to the product menu

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 4
Technical Task LPSA-77300

LPSA-65425 Show a site selector with the most recent sites

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 4
Technical Task LPSA-77299

LPSA-65425 Move Profile, Dashboard and Sign Out to the personal tab

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 2
Technical Task LPSA-77298

LPSA-65425 Insert in the theme a class notifying if the control menu is being shown

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 4
Technical Task LPSA-77297

LPSA-65425 Shorten names of product menu tabs when they are too long (ellipsis)

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Won't Fix    
Technical Task LPSA-77296

LPSA-65425 Show user links under the user section

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 3
Technical Task LPSA-77295

LPSA-65425 Move Control Menu to the top of the page

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 2
Technical Task LPSA-77294

LPSA-65425 Remove my pages from the User menu since it is already available in the bottom links

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77293

LPSA-65425 Move "System" apps to a new category in the control panel

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 2
Technical Task LPSA-77292

LPSA-65425 Keep control panel apps opening in the control panel group

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77291

LPSA-65425 Keep permission logic in ControlPanelEntry

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Beta 1
Technical Task LPSA-77290

LPSA-65425 Move control panel outside of product menu

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 2
Technical Task LPSA-77289

LPSA-65425 Show the user avatar for the personal space

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Won't Fix    
Technical Task LPSA-77288

LPSA-65425 Create a macro for theme developers to include the side navigation including the product menu

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 1
Technical Task LPSA-77287

LPSA-65425 Product Menu should be closed using the same button it was open with

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77286

LPSA-65425 Opening one collapsable panel should close the others which are open

Juan Hidalgo (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77285

LPSA-65425 If there is only one category is should be open and it shouldn't be collapsable

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 1
Technical Task LPSA-77284

LPSA-65425 Remove unncessary usage of controlPanelCategory

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77283

LPSA-65425 Display Staging/Live besides the name of the site

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77282

LPSA-65425 Don't display site administration for Page Templates

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77281

LPSA-65425 Remove unncessary usage of doAsGroupId

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 2
Technical Task LPSA-77280

LPSA-65425 The list of sites should contain the personal site

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Won't Fix    
Technical Task LPSA-77279

LPSA-65425 Back link in Site Administration should be hidden if there are no more sites

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77278

LPSA-65425 Link to global administration doesn't work

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77277

LPSA-65425 Display legacy apps in the Product Menu

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 Alpha 1
Technical Task LPSA-77276

LPSA-65425 Display Global Scope in the list of Sites

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77275

LPSA-65425 The name of the site should be a link to the site itself

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77274

LPSA-65425 Update markup for scopes selector

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77273

LPSA-65425 Display all sites in the list of my sites

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77272

LPSA-65425 Filter Sites Panel by permissions

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77271

LPSA-65425 Update control menu url to update the current page in the right control panel url

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77270

LPSA-65425 Update lexicon markup

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77269

LPSA-65425 Don't show sections or panels that don't contain any app

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77268

LPSA-65425 Ensure SPA ignores portlets with friendly URLs

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPSA-77267

LPSA-65425 Allow searching for Sites in the list of sites

SE Support Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Won't Fix    
Technical Task LPSA-77266

LPSA-65425 Display links to "Profile" and "Dashboard" in the bottom area

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77265

LPSA-65425 Show links to Staging environment of Sites

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77264

LPSA-65425 Persist state of the product menu

Brian Chan Liferay WCM (Inactive) Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77263

LPSA-65425 Adds product menu to the themes

Eudaldo Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77262

LPSA-65425 Moves dockbar info messages to control menu

Brian Chan Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77261

LPSA-65425 Creates a new module, Control Menu, using some logic of dockbar

Eudaldo Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77260

LPSA-65425 Creates a new way to create urls on panel categories

Eudaldo Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77259

LPSA-65425 Adds support for extends panel category views

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77258

LPSA-65425 Creates a new portlet for the user personal bar

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M7
Technical Task LPSA-77257

LPSA-65425 Adapt application list taglibs to the new view

Eudaldo Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M6
Technical Task LPSA-77256

LPSA-65425 Define new method in PanelCategoryRegistry to get the child categories using the category key

Brian Chan Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M6
Technical Task LPSA-77255

LPSA-65425 When click on edit layout button open directly the layouts admin portlet instead of open a panel

Eudaldo Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M6
Technical Task LPSA-77254

LPSA-65425 Register components to show the portlets on control panel

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M6
Technical Task LPSA-77253

LPSA-65425 Moves control panel layout to control panel web module

Liferay WCM (Inactive) Eudaldo Critical Closed Completed   7.0.0 M6
