Bulk Operation

  1. Choose Issues
  2. Choose Operation
  3. Operation Details
  4. Confirmation

Step 1 of 4: Choose issues

T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Original estimate Σ Original Estimate Fix versions
Technical Testing LPS-132504

LPS-127023 Product QA | Test Validation - Round 2 - Passed

David Gutierrez David Gutierrez Low Closed Completed    
Impedibug LPS-132496

LPS-127023 The Related Assets is unavailable to display page template for Document

yang.cao (Inactive) yang.cao (Inactive) High Closed Completed   7.4.1 CE GA2, 7.4.13 DXP GA1, Master
Technical Testing LPS-132069

LPS-127023 Test Scenarios Coverage | Frontend

Victor Galan David Gutierrez Low Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPS-132068

LPS-127023 If the preview with is set with a content render the collection correctly in edit mode

Victor Galan Victor Galan Low Closed Won't Fix    
Technical Testing LPS-132066

LPS-127023 Test Scenarios Coverage | Backend

PT User Echo David Gutierrez Low Closed Completed    
Technical Testing LPS-132064

LPS-127023 Product QA | Test Validation - Round 1 - Failed

David Gutierrez David Gutierrez Low Closed Completed    
Technical Testing LPS-132062

LPS-127023 Test Scenarios Coverage | Test Creation

David Gutierrez David Gutierrez Low Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPS-131457

LPS-127023 Render collection display with related item list

PT User Echo Victor Galan Low Closed Completed    
Technical Task LPS-131454

LPS-127023 Include item selector view for related collections in display pages

PT User Echo Victor Galan Low Closed Completed   7.4.1 CE GA2, 7.4.13 DXP GA1, Master
Technical Task LPS-131453

LPS-127023 Add item selector view for selecting related collection items

PT User Echo Victor Galan Low Closed Completed   7.4.1 CE GA2, 7.4.13 DXP GA1, Master
