Enhance SEO through Sitemap.xml improvements 1/2
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Lourdes Fernández Besada January 24, 2024 at 9:14 AM
This development is under the feature flag “LPS-187793


Zendesk Support
Linked Tickets
Zendesk Support

Linked Tickets
Created June 15, 2023 at 6:50 AM
Updated January 20, 2025 at 4:08 PM
Resolved June 13, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Features to improve crawling and indexing in search engines by Sitemap.xml
Use Cases
Enabled/disabled Pages indexation on XML Sitemap
As a Company administrator
I want to disable the configuration to index all pages of an instance.
When instance setting is disabled no pages are added to the XML sitemap.
When instance setting is enabled pages are added to the XML sitemap if the page has the add to sitemap setting enabled in its configuration.
When a page is configured as not to add to the XML sitemap it is not added regardless of whether the instance setting indicates is enabled.
Enabled/disabled Web Content indexation on XML Sitemap
As a Company administrator
I want to disable the configuration to index all web contents of an instance.
When instance setting is disabled no web contents are added to the XML sitemap.
When instance setting is enabled web contents are added to the XML sitemap if the display page assigned has the add to sitemap setting enabled in its configuration.
When the display page of web content is configured as not to add to the XML sitemap it is not added regardless of whether the instance setting indicates is enabled.
Enabled/disabled Categories indexation on XML Sitemap
As a Company administrator
I want to disable the configuration to index all categories of an instance.
When instance setting is disabled no categories are added to the XML sitemap.
When instance setting is enabled categories are added to the XML sitemap if the display page assigned has the add to sitemap setting enabled in its configuration.
When the display page of a category is configured as not to add to the XML sitemap it is not added regardless of whether the instance setting indicates is enabled.
Enabled/disabled Site indexation on XML Sitemap
As a Company administrator
I want to manually add the URLs of a site to the company's XML Sitemap, except the default Site which will always be added and cannot be removed.
When a site is added to the list, the URLs that belong to it are added to the company XML sitemap.
When a site is added to the list, if it has a virtual host configured, the URLs that belong to it AREN’T added to the company XML sitemap.
Enabled/disabled Child Pages indexation on XML Sitemap
As a Site administrator
I want to disable the page configuration to index its own children's pages.
When Child Pages indexation is disabled no children pages are added to the XML sitemap.
Allow excluding automatically specific pages from the Sitemap.xml (This use case is covered by the first one)
As a Company administrator
I want to control which content pages are included in the XML sitemap.
When the instance setting for automatic sitemap population needs to be adjusted. (covered by 1.c and 1.d)
When specific content pages should be excluded from the sitemap regardless of the instance setting. (covered by 1.e)