Make Knowledge Base Article and Wiki Page attachments searchable on the search page and Search Bar Suggestions (/suggestions)
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Tibor Lipusz September 10, 2024 at 1:32 PMEdited
Product Review
Passed with remarks
Tested on
Tomcat 9.0.90
Search Page: with and without “Include Attachments”
Wiki Admin:
KB Admin: Has anything was changed part of the work on this ticket in regards to the behavior when searching within the KB Admin? Asking because on latest Master, there are no results returned when searching for something that appears in the file attachment of a KB article. Or is this another issue that has to be fixed?
(asked Ruth to take care of it in M4)
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Git Pull Request
Zendesk Support
Linked Tickets
Zendesk Support

Linked Tickets
Created August 29, 2024 at 12:02 PM
Updated October 16, 2024 at 7:27 PM
Resolved September 10, 2024 at 1:42 PM
Feature Overview
Enable search page to include asset attachments in the search results. A configuration option will be added to the search bar to enable or disable this feature. Additionally, this feature will be behind feature flag.
User Stories
Search Page Admin
As a Search Page Administrator I want to enable or disable the searching from attachments through the search bar portlet configuration.
As a user I want to search for asset attachments rIf search page admin has enabled searching from asset attachments, I can search from them.
Functional Requirements
FR1: The system shall include asset attachments in the search results when the feature is enabled
FR2: The system shall provide a configuration option in the search bar portlet to enable or disable the search for asset attachments
FR3: The system shall index asset attachments to make them searchable
FR4: The system shall display search results for asset attachments in the same format as other search results
Non Functional Requirements
NFR1: The system shall ensure attachment parent asset's permissions are respected during searching.
Acceptance Criteria
AC1: Given the feature is enabled, when a user searches for a term, then asset attachments containing the term should appear in the search results.
AC2: Given the feature is disabled, when a user searches for a term, then asset attachments should not appear in the search results.
AC3: In the search bar configuration there is an option to enable/disable the feature